Source code for cece.compiler

.. module cece.compiler

The compiler takes a parsed set of guides and compiles and writes the output to
the file system.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import cece.util
import future.utils
import jinja2
import markdown
import os
import shutil

[docs]class Compiler(object): """ The compiler object. :param config: The configuration :type config: dict :param guides: The parsed set of guides to output :type guides: dict """ def __init__(self, config, guides): self._config = config self._guides = guides self._markdown = markdown.Markdown() self._template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.PackageLoader("cece", "templates")) self._template_env.globals["make_id_url"] = self._make_id_url
[docs] def _make_id_url(self, id): """ Make url from an id. :param id: The id to form into a url :type id: string """ return "/{}/".format(id.replace("\\", "/"))
[docs] def compile(self): """ Compile the provided guides and write out the result to the file system. """ # clean existing build if os.path.isdir("build"): shutil.rmtree("build") os.mkdir("build") # move into the build directory cur_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("build") # compile the guides for path, value in future.utils.viewitems(self._guides): if value["type"] == "folder": self._compile_folder(path, value) elif value["type"] == "page": self._compile_page(path, value) # move back to the starting directory os.chdir(cur_dir)
[docs] def _compile_folder(self, path, folder): """ Compile a folder, which is a listing of links to other folders or pages. :param path: The path of the folder :type path: string :param folder: The data for the folder :type folder: dict """ # make directories cece.util.makedirs(path) # load and compile the template template = self._template_env.get_template("folder.html") source = template.render( site_title=self._config["site_title"], guides=self._guides, data=folder) # get the path to the html file and write it index_path = os.path.join(path, "index.html") with open(index_path, "w") as f: f.write(source)
[docs] def _compile_page(self, path, page): """ Compile a page. :param path: The path of the page :type path: string :param page: The data for the page :type page: dict """ # make directories cece.util.makedirs(path) # load and compile the markdown source with open(page["source_path"], "r") as f: md_content = content = self._markdown.reset().convert(md_content) # load and compile the template template = self._template_env.get_template("page.html") source = template.render( site_title=self._config["site_title"], guides=self._guides, content=content, data=page) # get the path to the html file and write it index_path = os.path.join(path, "index.html") with open(index_path, "w") as f: f.write(source)